Claudia-Felicia Ognean
Pages: 209-217
Published: 23 May 2015
Views: 2,850
Downloads: 765
Abstract: Sorghum is a versatile plant with high potential, an excellent source of phytochemicals. Fine and coarse whole sorghum flour was added in 10 to 40% proportion to bread. The dough stability and development time increased with sorghum proportion. Bread’s characteristics depreciated with sorghum addition. The specific volume decreased with 20 to 40.8% for flour replacement from 10 to 40%. Crumb porosity decreased with 3.1, 3.8, 8.4 and 14.7 for replacement of wheat flour with 10, 20, 30 and 40% coarse whole sorghum flour. Greater depreciation was observed when fine sorghum flour was used. The bread crumb with sorghum added was darker, greyish-brown, with visible particle of sorghum bran. The taste, smell and odour weren’t affected very much. The taste wasn’t bitter at all. These results proved that the sorghum could be added in bread.
Keywords: sorghum, wheat bread, rheology, baking, whole
Cite this article: Claudia-Felicia Ognean. TECHNOLOGICAL AND SENSORIAL EFFECTS OF SORGHUM ADDITION AT WHEAT BREAD. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 209-217 (2015).
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