Avni Robaj, Afrim Hamidi, Driton Sylejmani
Pages: 257-260
Published: 23 May 2015
Views: 2,994
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Abstract: Our study was focused on 20 farms that had over 5 cows / farm. Data were recorded for the presence of foot rot and deformities, which constitute pathologies associated with economic losses due to reduction of milk production and pain and often the milk cows are delivered for slaughter in chronic cases. A total of 200 dairy cows were examined for the presence of hoof rot divided into two groups according to their age and comparisons were made for the appearance of the hoof pathologies: first group aged 0-4 years old and second group over 4 years. The results from the study have shown that 21% of the total cows examined had problems with hoofs, where 57% belonged to the first group, while 43% to the second group. Most frequent pathologies were: 23.4% with foot rot (pododermatitis). The rest, respectively 26.4% of other cases related to significant deformities were grouped as light pathologies and not significant for the health condition of the cows. From the total cows visited, in 79% of cases of hoofs were treated but had no significant problems that were grouped as hoof pathology. This study shows on how important is the health management of the farms and farmers are often not cautious about the consequences.
Keywords: foot rot, pododermatitis, hoof, farms, dairy cows
Cite this article: Avni Robaj, Afrim Hamidi, Driton Sylejmani. THE OCCURRENCE OF FOOT ROT IN DAIRY COWS IN KOSOVO. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 3, 257-260 (2015).
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