Jarmila Makovniková, Radoslava Kanianska, Miriam Kizeková
Pages: 24-33
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,271
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Abstract: This paper present an approach to evaluating recreation potential (outdoor recreation) based on the analysis of natural factors affecting recreational opportunities and attractiveness of the area and its potential for summer, winter or year-round recreation. Seven agricultural study areas, each of them with two different land use categories (arable land and permanent grasslands) located in various natural conditions of Slovakia, were evaluated. Potential for outdoor recreation of model areas was compared with its provisioning services. The capacities of grassland to supply cultural agroecosystem services at the two model areas were higher than their provisioning services. Agroecosystems providing cultural services can significantly contribute to the economic stability and prosperity of a particular region, using the soils with low production potential for recreational purposes.
Keywords: cultural agroecosystem services, recreation potential, outdoor recreation
Cite this article: Jarmila Makovniková, Radoslava Kanianska, Miriam Kizeková. AN APPROACH TO EVALUATING POTENTIAL OF CULTURAL AGROECOSYSTEM SERVICES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 24-33 (2015).
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