Čimo J., Malenčíková T., Szomorová L.
Pages: 57-65
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,360
Downloads: 735
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to review the temperature changes in Danubian lowland in Nitra locality in years from 1961 to 2010. Average temperatures were evaluated for decades with using mathematical statistical methods. In conclusion can be stated that it was recorded the increasing of average temperatures after decades for years 1960-2010, especially in vegetation period (April - September). The highest increase of average temperatures evaluated over decades was recorded in months May (1, 6°C), July (2, 1°C) and August (1, 6°C).
Keywords: climate change, agriculture, temperature change, decade
Cite this article: Čimo J., Malenčíková T., Szomorová L.. ANALYSES OF TEMPERATURE CHANGES IN DANUBIAN LOWLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 57-65 (2015).
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