Alan Klimaj, Viliam Bárek, Peter Halaj, Jakub Fuska
Pages: 139-150
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,173
Downloads: 544
Abstract: The aim of this work is monitoring of the changes of spectrometry leaves Citrus x limon at different times of irrigation and exposure to stress caused by drought or excessive watering for winterizing. The changes were monitored at the plant at different times of irrigation (everyday, each second day, each third day, and once a week). They monitor the changes in the visible spectrum and compared with leaves shed in order to monitor changes spectrometry, choose the correct term irrigation and compare them with stress exposed plants.
Keywords: spectrometry, irrigation, term, citrus x limon, winterizing
Cite this article: Alan Klimaj, Viliam Bárek, Peter Halaj, Jakub Fuska. USING OF SPECTROMETRY TO MANAGE TERMS OF IRRIGATION DURING WINTERIZING. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 139-150 (2015).
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