Maria-Cătălina Pastia, Florian Stătescu, Vasile-Lucian Pavel
Pages: 275-284
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,073
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Abstract: Salinized soils are soils with very low fertility because of physical and chemical negative attributes. They are used as meadows, but these have a poor nutritional value and give reduced productions. These soils can be improved by amendments and irrigation wash application. This paper had been aiming to analyze soils affected by salinity, from the village Prisacani, Iasi County. In this regard, soils from two places was analyzed: the first soil was collected from a place that is currently cultivated with corn (Zea mays), and the second soil was collected from an area of uncultivated, which has not suffered agricultural work for about seven years. Batch experiment where conducted in order to determine physical characteristics of soil, such as: particle size analysis, soil density (D), bulk density (DA), total porosity (PT), aeration porosity (PA), compressibility, the initial moisture content of the soil (W), the content of Water Stable Aggregates (WSA) and pore index (e0). The methods for analysis of physical characteristics of salinized soils are important research for the diagnosis, monitoring and quality control of soils with agricultural uses.
Keywords: salinity, soil, monitoring, soil fertility
Cite this article: Maria-Cătălina Pastia, Florian Stătescu, Vasile-Lucian Pavel. PHYSICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOILS AFFECTED BY SALINITY FROM IASI COUNTY, ROMANIA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 275-284 (2015).
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