Evelin Monev, Roumen Marinov, Irena Ilcheva, Anna Yordanova
Pages: 383-393
Published: 28 May 2015
Views: 3,241
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Abstract: The “Development of water and water resource system balance for the territory of the Vitosha Natural Park” is the first comprehensive study of its kind on the water resources of the Vitosha Mt. and on the possibilities of using them for the purposes of the integrated management of the park. The project is developed by experts of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), the Geological Institute (GI) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy as part of the “Implementation of the priority activities of the Management Plan of the Vitosha Natural Park – Phase 2” (funded by Operational Programme “Environment 2007 – 2013”). A new methodological approach has been applied to the assessment of the water and water resource system balance for the purposes of the Management Plan and the main trends and risks, the impact of climate change and extreme phenomena (floods and drought) are evaluated. Recommendations are given for the park management in view of the requirements of the water protection zones, according to the regime of permits and adaptation measures. In this context the necessity is considered for the development of control monitoring on the park territory, which is treated as a system. Its sub-system of water resources needs observations on runoff, runoff disturbances and wastewater. The development of a pilot project has been substantiated with the aim of launching the construction of a modern monitoring system for the water resources of the Vitosha Natural Park, affording the possibility of realistic assessment of the water balance in its region. The results of this work are directly related to the water supply of the settlements in the area, ensuring the ecological runoff and integrated management of water and forest resources.
Keywords: water and water resource system balance, integrated management, adaptation measures, climate change, ecological runoff, hydrometry, control monitoring
Cite this article: Evelin Monev, Roumen Marinov, Irena Ilcheva, Anna Yordanova. DEVELOPMENT OF CONTROL MONITORING FOR THE PURPOSES OF INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF THE VITOSHA NATURAL PARK. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 9, 383-393 (2015).
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