Mykola Bannikov, Syed Ehtisham Gillani, Igor Vasilev
Pages: 8-19
Published: 29 May 2015
Views: 3,073
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Abstract: Alcohols have been used as an additive to diesel fuel. Two methods of alcohol addition have been considered: blending and fumigation. The effects of both methods on the performance and emissions of diesel engine have been studied and compared. The analysis was based on the fuel injection and combustion characteristics derived from indicator diagrams. The pros and cons of both methods have been emphasized and the recommendations of their application provided.
Keywords: diesel engine, blending, fumigation, performance, emission
Cite this article: Mykola Bannikov, Syed Ehtisham Gillani, Igor Vasilev. EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ADDITIVES ON DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCE AND EMISSIONS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 8-19 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000748/
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