Markus Huemer, Marcel Huber, Angela Hofmann
Pages: 28-36
Published: 29 May 2015
Views: 2,864
Downloads: 911
Abstract: Thermochemical conversion of solid biomass in gasification processes provides a highly efficient opportunity for biomass derived renewable energy. The PowerBox gasification setup using the floating-fixed-bed reactor technology has proven the potential to bypass issues of comparable gasification technologies at medium power range. Three years of improvements and long term testing based on a 500kW thermal power demonstration plant verified the advantages of the innovative reactor design and gasification concept and lead to a commercially available gasification concept, which closes the gap between small and large scale gasification plants. Beside continuous improvement of the gasification technology the current development aims for upscale possibilities and increased fuel flexibility.
Keywords: gasification, biomass, floating-fixed-bed, decentralized energy
Cite this article: Markus Huemer, Marcel Huber, Angela Hofmann. STAGED FLOATING-FIXED-BED GASIFICATION: HISTORY AND FUTURE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 28-36 (2015).
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