Chidiezie Chineke, Reginald Nwachukwu, Okechukwu Nwofor, Emeka Ugboma, Okwudiri Ndukwu
Pages: 123-131
Published: 29 May 2015
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Abstract: Sub-Saharan Africa has 9% of the world's population, and is responsible for 2.5% of world economic activity measured by volume. It comprises 47 countries, most of which have a high percentage of low income and largely rural agrarian communities. As various governments across Africa talk about energy reforms that are taking too long to materialize, we contribute to their efforts by presenting the solar electricity potentials for some African cities, implying that there is enough electricity to go round for urban and rural dwellers in the region. Energy policies globally must be "followed up".
Keywords: solar electricity, africa, renewable energy
Cite this article: Chidiezie Chineke, Reginald Nwachukwu, Okechukwu Nwofor, Emeka Ugboma, Okwudiri Ndukwu. MUCH ADO ABOUT LITTLE: RENEWABLE ENERGY AND POLICY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 123-131 (2015).
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