Chidiezie Chineke, Emeka Ugboma, Reginald Nwachukwu, Ugochukwu Okoro, Okwudiri Ndukwu
Pages: 132-141
Published: 29 May 2015
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Abstract: In sub-Saharan Africa, populations are predominantly rural, dependent on rain-fed agriculture for subsistence and livelihoods. Poor families are ill-equipped to respond to changing patterns and the shorter growing season caused by warmer days and nights. Key climate change scenarios in the region are presented like shifting rainfall regimes, droughts, etc with the attendant impact on agricultural output. Coping strategies have been presented which can be replicated in other parts of the world with similar challenges.
Keywords: climate change, nigeria, africa, rainfall, coping strategies
Cite this article: Chidiezie Chineke, Emeka Ugboma, Reginald Nwachukwu, Ugochukwu Okoro, Okwudiri Ndukwu. CULPRITS, CLIMATE CHANGE AND COPING STRATEGIES IN AFRICA. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 132-141 (2015).
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