Svilen M. Gechev, Jordan T. Mouhovski, Petar Tzvetkov
Pages: 326-340
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,879
Downloads: 807
Abstract: Aim of the current survey is a tracking of the crystal growth and further technologically delicate processing in the producing of optical fluoride crystal ingredients. The (doped) fluoride (mono)crystals are attractive to cutting-edge optical/laser/sensor applications. Otherwise, they are not available as high-quality manufactured crystals by conventional or simple growing methods. So, it is required a versatile approach combining or modifying more than one crystal growing technique. It is looked at the optical fluoride (mono)crystals as promising structures for achievement of bigger microelectronic component integration through their use in the future VUV microlithography designing systems or epitaxial layering, etc. By originally modified Bridgman-Stockbarger growing method, there were produced co-doped single and mixed alkaline earth metal fluoride crystals intended to laser issues and application. It was experimentally determined the mechanical quality, optical birefringence and internal stress of such grown crystals and laser optical components finished from them.
Keywords: opto-mechanical uniformity, polariscope/polarimeter, optical fluoride crystals processing, combined bridgman-stockbarger method, crystal growth, desig
Cite this article: Svilen M. Gechev, Jordan T. Mouhovski, Petar Tzvetkov. FLUORIDE CRYSTALS FABRICATION AND PROCESSING ‒ APPLICABILITY AND OPTO-MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 326-340 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000780/
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