Kostadinka Sezanova, Stefka Tepavitcharova, Diana Rabadjieva, Rumyana Gergulova, Bojka Andonova-Lilova, Radostina Alexandrova
Pages: 386-394
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,668
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Abstract: Composite scaffolds were prepared using two calcium phosphate powders simultaneously modified by Zn and SBF-ions and hydrogels of different natural polymers as binding components. Two biomimetic precipitation procedures (quick mixing and continuous precipitation) with subsequent sintering up to 1000oC were applied and the ion-modified calcium phosphate powders were obtained. The ratio Zn2+/(Ca2++Zn2++Mg2+) was 0.13 and the ratio (Ca2++Zn2++Mg2++Na++K+)/P was 1.4 and 1.45. The biocompatibility of these composite scaffolds was tested with two cell lines, rat bone marrow cells and murine BALB/c 3T3 fibroblasts. The studies revealed that the studied materials had different effects on the survival and proliferative activity of the two cell lines. This result we explain by the different cellular targets that displayed specific cell responses, as well as by the different physico-chemical characteristics of the two ion-modified calcium phosphate powders resulting from the different precipitation procedures.
Keywords: zn-modified calcium phosphates, composite scaffolds, biomimetic precipitation, in vitro testing
Cite this article: Kostadinka Sezanova, Stefka Tepavitcharova, Diana Rabadjieva, Rumyana Gergulova, Bojka Andonova-Lilova, Radostina Alexandrova. IN VITRO BEHAVIOR OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS BASE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 386-394 (2015).
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