Valeriy Borisov Naydenov, Ivan Alexandrov Rostovsky
Pages: 523-530
Published: 31 May 2015
Views: 2,690
Downloads: 564
Abstract: The possibilities for impermeability of the cement-containing fine-grained mortars and concrete increasing by involving of some internally introduced special crystallization additives which, in the presence of water permanently take part in a chemical reaction with a non-hydrated cement component, generating an additional network of non-soluble fine crystals network, disposed in pore structure, capillaries and micro-cracks. Thus create new opportunities for further increasing the concrete cross-section impermeability, including against the ions penetration of aggressive solutions. The basic physical and strength-deformation performance of various compositions, including such with partially cement replacement in the presence of two types of crystallization additives, are studied. Based on a comprehensive analysis, conducted by using of direct physical methods, the kinetics of dynamic change in time of the new formed hydration structures, determining the effective operation of special additives, is analyzed. The results obtained are opportunities to improve the efficiency of concrete structures operating in contact with pressure and non-pressure water, as, in most cases, eliminating the need for additional performance of conventional, often high-expensive, secondary waterproofing systems.
Keywords: concrete impermeability, crystallization additives, waterproofing systems
Cite this article: Valeriy Borisov Naydenov, Ivan Alexandrov Rostovsky. CONCRETE IMPERMEABILITY INCREASING ON THE BASE OF NEW INTERNAL CAPILLARY CRYSTALLINE-HYDRATION STRUCTURES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 523-530 (2015).
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