Elena Welchinska, Valeriia Vilchinska
Pages: 578-584
Published: 10 Jun 2015
Views: 2,516
Downloads: 647
Abstract: Problem of the treatment of man's cancer and search of the effective, with a little toxicity antitumour medical products, is one from the important task at the contemporaneous medicine and pharmaceutical chemistry. Chemical modification of molecular of 5-nitrouracile with next investigation of toxicity and antitumour activity of its new derivatives which synthesized is described. The structure of synthesized compounds has been confirmed by data of elemental analysis, IR- and ІН-spectra. Physical-chemical, statistical pharmacological, toxicological methods were used. A strongly antitumour effect has been discovered for bis-derivative of 5-nitrouracile and for its adduct with Bacterial lectine 102 for the first time. A new convenient methods for the preparation of new mono- and bis-derivatives of 5-nitrouracile with 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-bromo-2-chloroethane (halothane) and l,l-diethylcarboxy-2-chloro-2-trifluoromethylethylene is described. The reactions are catalyzed by the DB-18-crown-6-complex. Bis-derivative of 5-nitrouracile and it's adduct with Bacterial lectine 102 were tested on the heterotransplantates of man's glioma cancer of brain (by Bogden's under capsule-method) and Carcinosarcoma Wokera 256. It is permits to consider the new bis-derivative of 5-nitrouracile and it's adduct with Bacterial lectine 102 as physiological active with a perspective investigation as potential antitumour drugs for treatment of man in future.
Keywords: 5-nitrouracile, 5-fluorouracile, bacterial lectins, antitumour effect, halothane
Cite this article: Elena Welchinska, Valeriia Vilchinska. GLYCOCHEMISTRY AND ANTITUMOUR ACTIVITY OF ADDUCT OF BACTERIAL LECTINE AND 5-NITROURACILE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 578-584 (2015).
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