Tatiana Ilkova, Mitko Petrov, Olympia Roeva
Pages: 585-597
Published: 10 Jun 2015
Views: 2,450
Downloads: 1,022
Abstract: The carnitine in human body deficiencies results in the build-up of acid metabolites in tissues and increased levels of triglycerides, a type of fat in the blood, leads to poor energy production in the heart, poor metabolism of fats. The carnitine is a substance, produced by the human body. It in the heart, skeleton muscularity, liver and brain. But the produced amount is 10 % of the necessary necessities. The carnitine is produced for the amino acid L-lysine in human body by the carnitine biosynthesis and metabolism. In this paper we investigate the pharmaceutical ways to produce this amino acid. For optimization we apply Neuro-dynamic programming. It show increase of the amount of product and the end of the process. At the end the results have described by Generelized nets, especially the optimal control algorithm scheme.
Keywords: carnitine role, optimization, generalized nets, human diseases
Cite this article: Tatiana Ilkova, Mitko Petrov, Olympia Roeva. CARNITINE ROLE IN HUMAN DISEASES - PHARMACEUTICAL WAYS, OPTIMIZATION AND GENERALIZED NET DESCRIPTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 9, 585-597 (2015).
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