Xanthi Albanaki, Georgios Katsanis, Kyriaki Vassilou
Pages: 19-28
Published: 25 Jun 2015
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Abstract: One of the issues that mostly concern scientific researchers is education, due to the fact that it is closely related with the moulding of the students’ character. Similarly, the school syllabus is structured in such a way that it aims at the creation of lessons and activities which promote the moral development of the students, while at the same time draw attention to the role of the teachers. This particular activity (teaching suggestion) consists of a series of interventional co-teaching sessions during the lessons of Religious Education and Physical Education, attempting to correlate physical activities with moral values and religious notions. The activity in question was materialized during the school year 2013-2014 in the first grade of Senior High School, qualitative research and data analysis was carried out, in the form of semi-structured interviews, within the context of evaluation of teaching practices which are taking place at school.
Keywords: religious education, physical education, qualitative research
Cite this article: Xanthi Albanaki, Georgios Katsanis, Kyriaki Vassilou. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND EXERCISE: QUALITATIVE EVALUATION OF A TEACHING PROGRAMME. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 19-28 (2015).
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