Irina I. Mitrofanova, Luisa N. Gishkaeva
Pages: 167-172
Published: 19 Aug 2015
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Abstract: In the article there is considered the cross-cultural ability of the communicative personality as ability of understanding of different cultures, opportunity to see the other, to do by property of the identity of value of foreign-language culture and to include them in the sociocultural reality. Thematic justification of cross-cultural communication researches is connected with globalization and expansion of contacts of people and cultures in the modern world. The purpose of the real research is to consider a role of a cross-cultural component of the communicative personality in understanding of sociocultural reality. The aim of this work is to discuss the concept of cross-cultural communication, multiculturalism and identity in connection with views about the social and cultural creation of reality and to show on this material the formation of cross-cultural competence.
Keywords: communication, communicative personality, communicative competence, cross-cultural competence, globalization, value and motivation area of a personali
Cite this article: Irina I. Mitrofanova, Luisa N. Gishkaeva. INDIVIDUAL AND COMMUNICATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 9, 167-172 (2015).
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