Doroteya T. Shtereva
Pages: 509-515
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,669
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Abstract: This paper presents an analysis of the dynamics and distribution of hospital capital investments in Bulgaria in the period 2010-2013. It is particularly important to investigate the capital expenditures as they are in fact investments intended for generation of future benefits. Thus, practically, they are transformed into investments. Because of that, capital expenditures are among the main expenditure items of the hospital establishments. Those expenditures can cover various items – from roof renovation and equipment purchasing to building a new hospital facility. The analysis of capital expenditures provides an image of the stability and possibilities for development and expansion of the hospital establishments. The capital investments are intended for maintaining and/or enhancing the scope of hospital services thus aiming at improving the quality and effectiveness of the provided medical care. Consequently, it is also important that the capital investments would enable the hospitals to be profitable and competitive.
Keywords: capital investments, state medical establishments for hospital care, dynamics
Cite this article: Doroteya T. Shtereva. DYNAMICS AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CAPITAL INVESTMENTS OF BULGARIAN HOSPITALS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 509-515 (2015). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1000890/
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