Emilia Naseva, Malina Gardeva, Doroteya Shtereva, Stanislava Yordanova
Pages: 601-611
Published: 21 Aug 2015
Views: 2,679
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Abstract: Health, besides being a value, is a prerequisite for economic prosperity of the society. This is one of the reasons which determine the importance of the indicators of public health measuring. The purpose of this article is to study, analyze and present specific health and social characteristics of different groups of patients in Yambol region. During the summer of 2012, 647 patients were interviewed by using a questionnaire for self-assessment of their health (EuroQol 5-D), as well as their socio-economic status. The results show that the population health differs between the subregions.
Keywords: health, healthcare facilities, diseases, euroqol (eq-5d) index
Cite this article: Emilia Naseva, Malina Gardeva, Doroteya Shtereva, Stanislava Yordanova. HEALTH AND SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MEDICAL GROUP PRACTICES’ PATIENTS IN YAMBOL REGION (BULGARIA). Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 601-611 (2015).
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