Ľubomír Pepucha, Daniela Skovajsová, Štefan Šedivý, Ingrid Zuziaková
Pages: 213-220
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 3,719
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Abstract: Direct application of research centres operational models for their sustainability after the financial support from structural funds ends (e.g. after 2015) represents important issue for their managers. How to implement said models cause enormous discussions well ahead of its time. Time lead of such discussion shows that the issue is not really solved. It is necessary to connect sustainability assurance with an active approach to the actual and predictor risk by following the most important goal – the competitiveness within European research area while ensuring all-society contribution.
Keywords: research centre, university of Žilina, sustainability, risks, competitiveness
Cite this article: Ľubomír Pepucha, Daniela Skovajsová, Štefan Šedivý, Ingrid Zuziaková. SUSTAINABILITY OF RESEARCH CENTRES IN RELATION TO GENERAL AND ACTUAL RISKS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 213-220 (2015).
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