Ausra Rutkiene, Elena Trepule
Pages: 231-239
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,770
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Abstract: Work-family conflict is a complex, multi-dimensional construct. When families decide to continue their professional career, work and family role matching demands efforts and causes strain. Results of a qualitative research show that having and taking care of pre-school and primary-school age children is one of main conflict reasons. Child-care arrangements have an important impact on parents’ experiences of work and their career paths. Job tenure and involvement into work-team are lower stressors for men. Family life-cycle stage also has effect on matching career and family life. Data analysis was performed presenting results through the focal points of family life changes. It was noticed that young families usually experience inner conflict and feeling of guilt for not being able to devote sufficient time for children and for work.
Keywords: work-family conflict, career, families with children
Cite this article: Ausra Rutkiene, Elena Trepule. MATCHING CAREER AND FAMILY RELATED FACTORS FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 231-239 (2015).
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