Ilona Tandzegolskiene, Vaida Butautaite
Pages: 240-252
Published: 27 Aug 2015
Views: 2,812
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Abstract: This article focuses on the political, social and employment factors in Lithuania. Work and Family reconciliation policy has been promoted as a tool that different policy documents employ at any particular point in time. Social factors, like work and family reconciliation policies, in relation to gender equality were defined more in terms of level of labour market participation than anything else. In this article the differences and relationship between male and female at work and in the family and their impact on career among the employees based on employers’ attitudes are described. These three factors are analysed in relation to opportunities of reconciliation of work and family obligations for young families with small children.
Keywords: work, young family, career, child-caring, reconciliation
Cite this article: Ilona Tandzegolskiene, Vaida Butautaite. WORK AND FAMILY RECONCILIATION: ISSUES AND POLICY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 240-252 (2015).
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