Ibabet Hynniewta
Pages: 740-753
Published: 15 Sep 2015
Views: 2,445
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Abstract: The Paper deals with the size, location and distribution of organised retailing spread across a mid-size city Shillong (population about 0.50 million, approximately). Falling broadly within a sub-field of “Geography of Retailing” that has emerged during the mid-1960s, retailing especially in the last two decades has been researched upon by the disciplines of Commerce, Management, Economics and Geography etc. With the recent state-of-art methods and technology retailing deal with locations, retail structure and chain analysis, profitability and employment aspects, especially in the context of developing countries. Retailing could be divided into organised as well as the un-organised or non-formal economic activities, which is important in developing countries. However, the present study is focussed on only organised retailing in the hill city of Shillong, the distribution of retail outlets, their organisational structure with particular reference to the special market of Iew-Duh(Bara Bazaar), literally the Big Market.
Keywords: smb, muda, khadc, syiem hima mylliem, durbar
Cite this article: Ibabet Hynniewta. ORGANISED RETAILING AND ITS STRUCTURE IN THE CITY OF SHILLONG. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 9, 740-753 (2015).
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