Ognyana Stoichkova, Vihra Dimitrova
Pages: 645-651
Published: 17 Sep 2015
Views: 2,461
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Abstract: The paper examines the problem of innovation in education with the stress on higher education. Output production is the understanding of the innovation process as structurally coherent process in the course of which implement the results of fundamental and applied research. The paper focuses on objective conditions that affect the field of education in general and the situation in the universities. Finds that there is an inadequate system to take management decisions, which makes it impossible to build an innovation management system in education. Together with inadequate funding, it makes it impossible to adopt the economic rational management decisions for long-term strategic and innovative development, which in turn is a threat to the development of the competitiveness of science education. The authors analyze the new model of the contemporary university, which under the influence of modern computer and telecommunication technologies in terms of market development in the field of education combined traditional education and some basic types of institutional forms (organizational structures) of distance education.
Keywords: innovation management, innovation process, innovation in education, innovative university distance learning
Cite this article: Ognyana Stoichkova, Vihra Dimitrova. THE ESSENCE OF INNOVATION PROCESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 645-651 (2015).
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