Paulo Cachim, Teresa Herdeiro
Pages: 652-658
Published: 21 Sep 2015
Views: 2,541
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Abstract: Following the profound changes that occur in higher education in Europe with the implementation of the Bologna Process, a multi-method of active learning in a Timber Construction course that is part of the Integrated Master in Civil Engineering degree at Aveiro University in Portugal was implemented. This learning method motivates students to become active participants in the learning process and to promote their autonomy was implemented. This is a method that includes problem-based learning, and where students research, process, discuss and apply information, with emphasis in the development of their soft skills. The quality assurance system of the Aveiro University, together with other self assessment methods used in class, were used to evaluate the satisfaction of students with the method. The results show that more than 80% of the students are satisfied with the methodology.
Keywords: problem based learning, civil engineering, timber construction, bologna process
Cite this article: Paulo Cachim, Teresa Herdeiro. PROBLEM BASED LEARNING IN A TIMBER CONSTRUCTION COURSE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 13, 652-658 (2015).
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