Arūnas Balsevičius, Ričardas Narijauskas, Giedrė Paužaitė
Pages: 36-46
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,332
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Abstract: According to the rules of International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants 6 new cultivars of Dahlia published: 'Meška Slapukė' (No. 255, 2011, A. Balsevičius), 'Tumė' (No. 256, 2011, A. Balsevičius), 'Dalelytė' (No. 14-15, 2014, A. Balsevičius), 'Giedrės Kasos' (No. 14-18, 2014, A. Balsevičius), 'Lapė' (No. 14-71, 2014, A. Balsevičius), and 'Orija' (No. 14-37, 2014, A. Balsevičius). In 2011, dahlias were selected by traditional breeding methods. In 2014, plant seeds of open pollination were treated by cold plasma at a pressure of 60 Pa.
Keywords: dahlia, new cultivars, selection, lithuania
Cite this article: Arūnas Balsevičius, Ričardas Narijauskas, Giedrė Paužaitė. SIX NEW DAHLIA CULTIVARS OF LITHUANIAN ORIGIN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 36-46 (2016).
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