Bereda M., Paduch-Cichal E., Kalinowska E., Szyndel M. S.
Pages: 67-73
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,276
Downloads: 549
Abstract: Allexiviruses and several Carla- and Potyvirus species are the most widespread viral pathogens of Allium crops world-wide. Simultaneous infection by these viruses causes significant reduction of bulb weight. Production of species-specific antisera against allexiviruses is complicated. Production of virus-free propagation material requires the use of highly specific, sensitive and rapid virus detection methods. The aim of the present study therefore was to examine primer sequences using RT-PCR and IC-RT-PCR method and testing the dot-blot hybridization for detection of allexiviruses. Electron microscope was also used for selective garlic plants infected with Allexiviruses.
Keywords: allexivirus, rt-pcr, ic-rt-pcr, dot-blot hybridization
Cite this article: Bereda M., Paduch-Cichal E., Kalinowska E., Szyndel M. S.. COMPARISON OF MOLECULAR ASSAYS FOR THE DETECTION OF ALLEXIVIRUSES IN GARLIC PLANTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 67-73 (2016).
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