Paula Correia, Ana Paulo, Sandra Monteiro
Pages: 181-191
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,319
Downloads: 556
Abstract: The design, implementation control and management of the HACCP system are crucial to the production of safe food products. The results of the direct questioner survey revealed that the managers know the HACCP system, being the major concern the legislation accomplishment. Generally, there is a concern to restore the buildings where the commercial business is. The employees have training in food hygiene and safety, which indicate a concern of the employer to have a staff with high skills. The majority of the restaurants have the HACCP implemented, and the suggestions of the HACCP team have influenced the modifications performed in the restaurants along the years. The work of the ACDV HACCP team is well recognized and define as essential, due to the promotion and improvement of the hygiene and insurance in the work place and the accomplished of laws, but not always convenient due to the daily records.
Keywords: food safety, direct question survey, haccp, restaurants
Cite this article: Paula Correia, Ana Paulo, Sandra Monteiro. PERCEPTION AND EVALUATION OF HACCP IMPLEMENTATION BY RESTAURANT MANAGERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 181-191 (2016).
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