Kovacs Melinda Haydee, Kovacs Emoke Dalma, Ristoiu Dumitru
Pages: 192-214
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,177
Downloads: 444
Abstract: Organochlorine pesticides, mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds were analyzed in breast milk from 169 nursing mothers from urban and rural locations of NW Transylvania in order to evaluate breast milk quality and children exposure status to selected contaminants. Range of detection for organochlorine pesticides, mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds were between 0.21–791.2, 1.44–35.1 and 0.16–140.5 ngg-1 lipid weight, respectively. Maximal values were detected for organochlorine compounds, especially for DDT compound and its metabolite DDE. Correlation was obtained between regional origins of breast milk samples in case of organochlorine pesticides. Determining factors that could influence maternal milk contamination status as age, parity, lipid content were evaluated also. Evaluation of infants exposure through daily intake estimation was performed also, results showing that EDI vales ranged between 0.001–7.799, 0.001–0.651 and 0.002–0.308 μgkg-1 body weight for organochlorine pesticides, mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, respectively.
Keywords: breast milk, infants exposure, environmental contaminants, organochlorine pesticides, mono- and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Cite this article: Kovacs Melinda Haydee, Kovacs Emoke Dalma, Ristoiu Dumitru. MOTHER DIET IMPACT ON BREAST MILK QUALITY: ESTIMATION OF BREAST FED INFANTS INTAKE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 192-214 (2016).
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