Căşaru Cristina, Câmpeanu Marius, Cobzariu Dragoș, Bărăităreanu Stelian, Daneş Doina
Pages: 292-301
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,395
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to analyze the prevalence of clinical mastitis in a dairy farm and the economic implications of this condition during 8 months. Based on the clinical signs, 37% of lactating cows were diagnosed with mastitis and 29 % of these shows relapse. The economic loss due to the compromised lactation and the medical treatment was amounted to almost 25000 Euro / 8 months. The results of the statistical study performed in this work raised an alarm and highlighted the need of introducing control programs, early diagnosis and mastitis prevention.
Keywords: clinical mastitis, prevalence, cost, dairy cow, antibioresistance
Cite this article: Căşaru Cristina, Câmpeanu Marius, Cobzariu Dragoș, Bărăităreanu Stelian, Daneş Doina. PREVALENCE OF CLINICAL MASTITIS IN A DAIRY COWS AND THEIR ECONOMIC IMPACT. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 292-301 (2016).
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