Hakan Allı, İsmail Şen
Pages: 415-423
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,235
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Abstract: Turkey has a large mushroom potential due to suitable ecological features and 2400 macrofungi taxa have been identified by several researchers. Although, many species are edible, most of them are not known by local people as edible. Similarly, mushrooms have an economically importance besides biological diversity. Some mushroom species are sold in local bazaar and exported foreign countries. Morchella sp., Cantharellus cibarius Fr. and Tricholoma anatolicum H.H. Doğan & Intini, Terfezia clavaryi Chatin are the most popular species exported. Turkey earned revenue nearly 189 million dollars between 2000 and 2015 years by exporting mushrooms. So, identification and collection of economically valuable mushroom is important for economy. For these reason, some edible and economically important mushroom species are evaluated in this study.
Keywords: mushrooms, economy, edibility
Cite this article: Hakan Allı, İsmail Şen. EDIBILITY AND ECONOMICAL IMPORTANCE OF TURKISH MUSHROOMS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 415-423 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001057/
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