Mehmet Ali Saridas, Sevgi Paydaş Kargi, Senay Karabiyik
Pages: 442-450
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,491
Downloads: 457
Abstract: Effects of the calcium nitrate doses were investigated in five strawberry cultivars on fruit quality parameter such as yield, firmness, average fruit weight, individual marketable fruit weight and individual unmarketable fruit weight. Cultivar ‘Osmanlı’ has soft fruit firmness, ‘Camarosa’ has hard strong fruit firmness and ‘Sevgi’, ‘Ebru’, ‘Kaşka’ cultivars have medium fruit firmness. Different Calcium Nitrate (Ca(NO3)2 ) doses( 0 ml 100 L-1(control), 150 ml 100 L-1, 300 ml 100 L-1 and 450 ml 100 L-1 ) were sprayed on the leaves with one week intervals. Examined quality parameter weren’t affected calcium nitrate doses except fruit firmness at April and beginning of May. The highest fruit firmness was detected at third dose (450 ml 100 L-1) in 10 May. All these parameters were affected from different strawberry cultivar which has different fruit firmness. Calcium nitrate was inadequate for improving fruit quality such as firmness, yield and marketable fruit size.
Keywords: calcium, firmness, fruit quality, marketable fruit, strawberry
Cite this article: Mehmet Ali Saridas, Sevgi Paydaş Kargi, Senay Karabiyik. EFFECTS OF CALCIUM NITRATE ON SOME FRUIT QUALITY PARAMETERS IN STRAWBERRY VARIETIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 442-450 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001060/
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