Edyta Gajos
Pages: 606-617
Published: 6 Jun 2016
Views: 2,221
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Abstract: Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in European Union changes dynamically. Modifications are often connected with environmental aspects, e.g. environmental externalities, and involve some influence on economic results and production organization. Therefore, research was conducted to determine that impact at the example of animal welfare in milk production. Optimization model was constructed using Positive Mathematical Programming method. It was found, that possible changes in revenues, costs and results are both positive and negative and depend on basic production method and production scale.
Keywords: common agricultural policy, externalities, animal welfare, milk farms, economic outputs
Cite this article: Edyta Gajos. ANIMAL WELFARE COSTS AND BENEFITS IN MILK PRODUCTION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 4, 606-617 (2016).
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