Branko Marinković, Jelena Marinković, Duško Marinković, Jovan Crnobarac, Dragana Latković, Vasiljev K. Aleksandrovič, Aleksandar M. Vasiljčenko
Pages: 18-26
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,456
Downloads: 645
Abstract: Nitrogen is outstanding among equally important deficient nutrient elements, because it has the greatest influence on yield. At the same time nitrates in vegetables, milk or meat, once they end up in the human body, can convert to nitrosamines which are extremely carcinogenic. The content of nitrates found in vegetables, milk and meat is directly correlated to their concentration in soil. Nitrates in soil originate from organic and mineral fertilizers. High yields of cultivated plants can be achieved through rational fertilization, with a minimum content of nitrates.
Keywords: fertilization, food, nitrates
Cite this article: Branko Marinković, Jelena Marinković, Duško Marinković, Jovan Crnobarac, Dragana Latković, Vasiljev K. Aleksandrovič, Aleksandar M. Vasiljčenko. THE IMPACT OF NITROGEN ON CROP YIELDS AND FOOD QUALITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 18-26 (2016).
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