Miroslaw Zukowski
Pages: 76-84
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,735
Downloads: 461
Abstract: Solar air heaters (SAH) are becoming increasingly popular in the food industry, agriculture, and especially in the building sector. The paper presents results of the assessment of the environmental effects resulting from the application of these devices for preheating ventilation air. In the first step it was determined energy efficiency of typical solar air heater based on results of experiments performed under the operating conditions. In the next step the potential annual energy savings for typical houses and potential reduction of the greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions were calculated.
Keywords: solar air heaters, ventilation air preheating, greenhouse gases, energy saving
Cite this article: Miroslaw Zukowski. ASSESSING THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF USING SOLAR AIR HEATERS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 76-84 (2016).
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