George Kollaros, Antonia Athanasopoulou
Pages: 85-94
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,530
Downloads: 640
Abstract: Greece has many hydrotropic ecosystems offering plenty of beneficial services to both human and other organisms. Such services include the deposition and storage of water with improved quality standards, the enrichment of the water tables, the warrant of water supply and irrigation, protection from floods, production of fish catches, the offering of entertainment and exercise opportunities. Habitats are a space impacted by extended works made by human, like road systems. The integrated, complete system in computerized form presented in this work may assist the design of a road alignment and the analysis of environmental impacts on sensitive habitats caused by the design, construction and operation of a road. The method allows the dialogue between the user and the program. The computer programs and the calculations are standardized aiming to import new standard methods, algorithms, etc., at anytime, without changing the overall structure of the system.
Keywords: habitat, road, impact, assessment model, environment
Cite this article: George Kollaros, Antonia Athanasopoulou. A MODEL APPLICABLE IN CASES OF ROAD IMPACTS ON HABITAT ENVIRONMENTS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 85-94 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001091/
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