Marina V. Maslova, Lidia G. Gerasimova
Pages: 177-187
Published: 7 Jun 2016
Views: 2,514
Downloads: 528
Abstract: The present investigation deals with preparation of a stable titanium (IV) colloid solution from ammonium oxysulfotitanate (NH4)2TiO(SO4)2∙H2O and oxysulfotitanate TiOSO4∙ H2O solutions. The colloid precursor was used in the synthesis of spherical TiO2 particles with ion-exchange properties. A relationship between the nature of the initial solution, the number of terminal and bridging OH groups in resulting sol, and the sorption properties of hydroxooxotitane prepared by sol–gel method has been established. Studies of the exchange behavior of different cations have confirmed the dominant role of bridged OH- groups.
Keywords: hydroxooxotitane, ion-exchange material, sorption properties, radioactive and water waste purification
Cite this article: Marina V. Maslova, Lidia G. Gerasimova. ION-EXCHANGE MATERIALS BASED ON HYDROXOOXOTITANE FOR WASTE WATER PURIFICATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 177-187 (2016).
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