Olga Orynycz, Andrzej Wasiak
Pages: 213-223
Published: 1 Jul 2016
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Abstract: The model, recently developed by present authors defines the energetic efficiency of plantation, as a ratio of total energy produced to the sum of energy inputs. It is explicitly expressed in terms of crop yield, caloric values and mass fractions of crop components used for biofuel production - on the side of outputs. Caloric values of fuel used in subsequent agricultural operations together with fuel consumption in those operations, as well as transportation distances and fuel caloric value and its consumption during transportation of goods (production means and products) between fields used in production and also during transport to customers, etc. The model is defined in mathematical form, as well as computer algorithm, enabling computations for real situation, is developed. Several examples of application are given showing that the range of energetic efficiency can vary substantially depending upon production technologies applied.
Keywords: biofuel, energy efficiency, mathematical modelling, production system
Cite this article: Olga Orynycz, Andrzej Wasiak. THE INFLUENCE OF TILLAGE TECHNOLOGY ON AVAILABLE ENERGY FROM RAPESEED PLANTATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 213-223 (2016).
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