Paulo Dinis
Pages: 444-454
Published: 11 Jul 2016
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Abstract: This article aims to reflect the mission of the Degree in Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon in university education in Portugal and the balance the relationship between theory and practice in the training of new generations of designers. The linkage between design and material culture was pelleted in design education in Portugal by Daciano da Costa with the collaboration and experience of Eduardo Afonso Dias. The combination between design and thought, and between form and function, culminated on the culture of “know how to do” using constantly the practice, on exercises in trial and test seized by the concept of trial and error. Considering that the curricular units of design are the backbone of this course, the remaining curricular units programs are oriented around those objectives, particularly in the area of design technologies which seeks to strength the relationship between design creativity and technical component. In a specific context, the workshops of the FA are certainly one of the capital gains for design students which have the possibility to make their study models, scale models or accurate and functional prototypes. Regardless of the economic and technical constraints, the workshops of the FA are part of the identity of the Degree in Design and training of young designers. The theoretical / practice component of the course has allowed students to monitor the evolution of materials, processes and technologies, factors that have contributed to the professional development of the designer in society and the consequent demand and acceptance by the Portuguese industries. About to turn 25 years, the Degree in Design has sought to monitor developments in the markets and meet the demands of quality education by training your body of teachers, the restructuring of the curriculum and presentation of new exercises. Continuing the three years graduation, the Master´s degree in communication and product coordinate among themselves the contents in order to ensure their sequence and projectual complexity and technological of the exercises.
Keywords: materials, technology, design, material culture, workshop practice
Cite this article: Paulo Dinis. MATERIAL CULTURE IN DESIGN PRACTICE IN PORTUGAL. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 444-454 (2016).
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