Samuel Kosolapov
Pages: 550-557
Published: 12 Jul 2016
Views: 2,259
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Abstract: The modern PC, instead of coming equipped with outdated serial and parallel ports, has USB ports. Their well-known advantages include high communication speed and hot swapping. However, in many cases, use of USB ports requires installation of software drivers on the target PC, where installation is not always possible because of security requirements. One possible solution is the driverless USB Human Interface Device (HID) protocol. The goal of this contribution is to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of the expandable and reusable driverless USB HID platform on PC and embedded PIC devices supporting USB HID data transfer. Two data transfer protocols were implemented, evaluated, and compared. The “master sends request – slave responds with message” protocol was found more reliable than the “blocking loop” protocol.
Keywords: usb, hid, communication protocol
Cite this article: Samuel Kosolapov. PROTOCOL FOR DRIVERLESS USB HID RELIABLE DATA TRANSFER. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 550-557 (2016).
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