Bakhtiyarova Sh. K., Kapysheva U. N., Zharmagambetova A. K., Zhaksymov B. I., Korganbaeva A. A., Auezhanova A. S., Talgatov E. T.
Pages: 582-586
Published: 12 Jul 2016
Views: 1,955
Downloads: 364
Abstract: The study of integrative activity of the brain showed that groups of animals treated with pectin and PC/TS had a positive effect of pectin and its compounds on the function of the higher nervous activity. This is due to physical and chemical properties of the low methoxylated pectin, which include pectin that we obtained from sugar beet pulp.
Keywords: hybrid, enterosorbents, pectin, sugar beet pulp
Cite this article: Bakhtiyarova Sh. K., Kapysheva U. N., Zharmagambetova A. K., Zhaksymov B. I., Korganbaeva A. A., Auezhanova A. S., Talgatov E. T.. APPLICATION OF NEW HYBRID ENTEROSORBENTS DERIVED BASED ON PECTIN. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 10, 582-586 (2016).
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