Anna Citkowska-Kimla
Pages: 456-462
Published: 18 Jul 2016
Views: 2,201
Downloads: 393
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to illustrate the thesis that ecological ideas have a strong impact on state politics. Examples confirming this thesis include three very well-known cases of change of a decision by politicians as a result of protest campaigns carried on by ecologists. The first example is the suspension of the felling of trees in the Białowieska Forest, the second one refers to the change of the route of the Augustów ring road, and the third one is the suspension of construction of the road because of the hermit beetle. Conclusions of the paper are general in nature: unconventional initiatives of ecological activists attract the government’s attention to their activity and, at the same time, induce them to change their earlier decisions.
Keywords: environmentalism, ecologism, polish ecological movements, augustów ring-road, rospuda valley, felling of trees in the białowieska forest, natura 2000
Cite this article: Anna Citkowska-Kimla. THE IMPACT OF ECOLOGICAL IDEAS ON STATE POLITICS. THE CASE OF POLAND. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Ecology & Safety 10, 456-462 (2016).
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