Wojciech Daszkiewicz
Pages: 140-148
Published: 11 Aug 2016
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Abstract: Globalization is one of the most important contemporary megatrends. Paradoxically, it is still not fully known. In my talk I will show that “globalization” is an ambiguous term. I want to highlight three aspects of globalization: economic, political and cultural. The assessment of globalization in these aspects is not unambiguous because globalization itself is not isomorphic. Thus in the context of globalization there is a place both: for a clash of civilizations and for their homogenization; for ecological disasters and for extraordinary actions saving the environment; for the triumph of liberalism and free market capitalism and for counter-reactions to them; for the stability of nation states and for the emergence of powerful, private, non-state agents.
Keywords: globalization, homogenization, deterritorialization of culture, identity
Cite this article: Wojciech Daszkiewicz. THE DILEMMAS OF GLOBALIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 10, 140-148 (2016).
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