Luigi Di Santo
Pages: 215-227
Published: 11 Aug 2016
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Abstract: Hermeneutics of juridical temporality compares itself to this complexity that has always characterized studies when they are to deal with the relationship between time and right. Central issue affecting the peculiarities of the juridical, the existence and the formation of political institutions in which the communities live. Through the paradigm of temporality, then you can discuss not only the inner world of man, but it seems credible to pursue a way to draw the necessary hermeneutic profiles about the relationship between right and time.
Keywords: time, philosophy, right, law, conscience, dialogue, human rights, person, values, society
Cite this article: Luigi Di Santo. ABOUT HERMENEUTICS OF THE JURIDICAL TEMPORALITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Language, Individual & Society 10, 215-227 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001214/
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