Fumihiko Isada, Yuriko Isada
Pages: 103-114
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,008
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Abstract: Although corporate governance is necessary for a company, it tends to be considered as a negative factor in terms of profit. In this research, corporate governance-related activities were redefined and classified in a broad sense, and the pathways from each different type of corporate governance leading to the revenue were explored. As a research methodology, a company questionnaire was conducted. In conclusion, the relationship between each corporate-governance activity, strategic activity, strategic key performance indicator and long-term revenue became clear.
Keywords: corporate governance, compliance, corporate-citizen, corporate culture, creating shared value, strategic key performance indicator
Cite this article: Fumihiko Isada, Yuriko Isada. AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF STRATEGIC CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND SUSTAINABLE GROWTH. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 103-114 (2016).
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