Palmira Papšienė
Pages: 261-272
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,160
Downloads: 365
Abstract: The article discusses results of expert assessment of human resource assessment on organizational climate. The study was performed by using interview method. Interview data basis is based on dialectic hermeneutic because it allows understanding of the object through reality model, i.e., in a context of what reality and in what form the thoughts are being expressed (Vaitkevičius 2012). Reality’s construct was formed according to the model of influence of human resource assessment on organizational climate that was created and empirically verified by P. Papšienė, S. Vaitkevičius (2013, 2014). Thus, reticular model of influence of human resource assessment on organizational climate created by the authors became a particular map of assessment categories and sub-categories whereby there was orientation in logical contents of respondent’s phrases (statements poured out by informant). Literature used to ground the model describes a phenomenon of human resource assessment and allows envisaging of interaction with organizational climate within its conception. By this study there was a striving to gather more information on a phenomenon of influence of human resource assessment on organizational climate therefore there were purposefully studied big organizations of Lithuanian public sector where this phenomenon exists and thus enabled a thorough knowing of phenomenon of influence of human resource assessment on organizational climate.
Keywords: human resource assessment, interaction, organizational climate, phenomenon
Cite this article: Palmira Papšienė. INFLUENCE OF HUMAN RESOURCE ASSESSMENT ON ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN ORGANIZATIONS OF LITHUANIAN PUBLIC SECTOR. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 261-272 (2016).
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