Yakim Kitanov
Pages: 332-338
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,045
Downloads: 433
Abstract: Portfolio investment is an important integral part of every well-functioning stock market. This type of investment, however, has a number of risks. The two main risks are systemic and non-systemic risk. Each of these categories can be further divided into many other subcategories, and all of these subcategories have their own characteristics, specificities and ways of materialization, which need to be differentiated and studied by investors so that they know how to properly manage or avoid them. In the current paper, a high level typology of those risks is presented and particular ways of their manifestation are pointed out.
Keywords: portfolio investment risks, β-coefficient (beta), systemic and non-systemic risks
Cite this article: Yakim Kitanov. PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT RISKS: TYPOLOGY AND MITIGATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 332-338 (2016). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001244/
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