Mustafa Kara, Recep Yücel, Pınar Kara Dinçer
Pages: 451-457
Published: 28 Aug 2016
Views: 2,088
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Abstract: The agricultural sector has a strategic importance regarding sustainable development in our country as well as throughout the world since it provides chances for employment, especially in rural areas. For this reason, analysis of problems related to economic development, employment and educational status of small scaled family administrations acting on agriculture and solutions for these problems are quite important due to contribution of them to this sector. Under the scope of this point of view, the purpose of this study has been to reveal agricultural structure in rural areas away from industrial zones and how small scaled agricultural family administrations are effected from this structure and role of these family administrations in sustainable development. For this purpose, a research has been made over the sampling related with small scaled agricultural family administrations located at Bolu and Düzce Provinces. In this research; scanning model has been preferred and data have been obtained through questionnaire and interviews. According to the results of this research; it is found out that regarding sustainable development, education is an important factor at management of small scaled agricultural family administrations and regarding employment, becoming a cooperative which is a social organization unit is an important factor to decrease migration from rural areas to urban areas.
Keywords: small scaled agricultural enterprise, sustainable development, economic structure
Cite this article: Mustafa Kara, Recep Yücel, Pınar Kara Dinçer. ROLE OF SMALL SCALED FAMILY ADMINISTRATIONS ACTING ON AGRICULTURE IN TERMS OF SUSTAINABILITY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 451-457 (2016).
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