Ewa Badzińska, Krzysztof Kubiak
Pages: 528-536
Published: 13 Sep 2016
Views: 1,873
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Abstract: New technologies and mobile devices determine the way in which consumers acquire new information, undertake commercial transactions and shape purchasing behavior. Mobility and interactivity of communication imply a number of changes in the functioning of both enterprises and social life. The aim of the paper is an attempt to indicate the impact of mobile technologies on communication strategies and customer’s behavior. The cognitive purpose of the study is to characterize the functionality of the selected mobile applications for planning a trip. Due to the aim of the research case studies analysis have been conducted. The article provides the examples of applications relating to search for hotels and restaurants, interesting architecture, car rental, taxis and those that facilitate movement in the city.
Keywords: ict, mobile applications, mobile technology, mobile communication, technological innovations
Cite this article: Ewa Badzińska, Krzysztof Kubiak. IMPLEMENTATION OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS ON THE B2C MARKET – THE ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Economy & Business 10, 528-536 (2016).
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